Sweet Potato Chips in the Microwave

1. First, get yourself a sweet potato. The bigger the sweet potato, the more chips you’ll have!
2. Rinse, scrub, and dry your sweet potato.
3. Now you’ll want to slice your sweet potato into thin little slices. If you have one of those mandolin slicer gadgets, those work great! You can also use the slicer blade on your food processor but you’ll probably have to cut your sweet potatoes into smaller slices (depending on the size of the opening in your food processor) which might be kind of a pain.
You need to get the slices as thin as possible, so it might be kinda hard to do that by hand.
4. Next, get yourself some parchment paper and arrange your slices in a single layer on top of the paper. Spray the slices with a little bit of coconut or olive oil. If you only have Pam cooking spray, that’s OK too. Next sprinkle with a little bit of sea salt, Himalayan salt, or cinnamon.
5. Put your slices in the microwave on HIGH for about 4 minutes. You’ll want to make sure they cook long enough to dry out, but not too long otherwise they will start to scorch pretty quickly. So be sure to watch them closely! Depending on your microwave, the thickness of your slices, and how far apart they are spread out on the paper…it should take anywhere between 4 and 5 minutes. You’ll start to see the edges curl and they’ll turn a dark brown color.
6. Take them out of the microwave and let them sit for about 1 minute, and they’ll be nice and crispy!